Unreal Plugins
From this video
- Really fucking crazy sky with a lot of customizations
- Ultra Dynamic Sky
- Paid but like holy fucking shit
- Very good water (used it for thesis)
- Rural Australia (project)
- Creating Oceans
- Unreal has a plugin built in for this
- Ocean System for rendered cinematics
- Not really for games- not for shallow water
- Fluid Flux
- Simulates water
- Made for games and can simulate beaches
- Creating landscapes
- Brushify
- Not for closeups but lets you choose a biome and add mountains and alter the terrain
- Modeling
- Built into unreal- type in modeling
- You can extrude materials and bend or cut objects
- datasmith
- bridges modeling software and unreal
- doesn't work with blender (but there is another one that does its just not that great)
- Creating fog
- Easy fog
- Is 2D but lets you add fog to specific places
- Niagra
- Built into unreal
- Enable both Niagra and Niagra fluids
- Lets you choose between templates
- If you dont want to work with Niagra then look for Action VFX
- Matte painting skybox pack
- Lets you create some really amazing skys
- drag the material onto a sky mesh
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